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Imported car myth buster......

This section is for helping in the revamp/restore of these roadsters so to be used has a reference to know what spec yours was built with as you try and sort out all the years she as been around and more than likely messed about with losing most of the OE equipment she was built with, this is and always will be an on going section, so info will always will be being added and updated, if you can help with info etc please feel free to do so by contacting one of the Admin as this is for everyone to use..
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Mazda Mender
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Imported car myth buster......

Postby Mazda Mender » Wed Mar 07, 2018 8:12 am

Are imported cars undersealed to the same standard?

Yes. Any all MX5s/Eunos's/Roadsters/Miatas are undersealed to exactly the same standard at the factory,Which to be honest was a flash over and not the best, what is applied over time and with the MX5/Eunos/Roadster/Miata being a low sports car this underseal can be scraped and chipped off. Problems with salted roads and bare metal are accentuated in the UK (in Japan they use snow tyres and chains, hence generally rust-free vehicles) so we recommend you get your car undersealed and box sections done if you intend to keep it for a considerable time.


Are 'UK' MX5s built in the UK?

No. All MX5s/Eunoss/Roadsters/Miatas are built in Hiroshima, Japan. That's right, even 'UK' cars are built in Japan. They too are imported over to this country.

Don't believe us? Phone your local Mazda dealer and ask them!


How do I know the MX5 wasn't stolen in Japan?

There was a short period a good few years ago where a number of imports were stolen from Japan, processed in Dubai and then imported into the UK via Ireland. These cars still rightfully belong to their owners in Japan and there were some cases of cars being recovered and the UK owner being completely out of pocket with no recompense.

Thankfully this was only true of the more luxury high end marques such as the more expensive Lexus. There was no money to be made from cheap sports cars so the theives didn't bother with them.

There is a Police check at the dockside in Japan before the car is allowed to be exported. When registering the car in the UK the DVLA check with Interpol that the car is not recorded as being stolen.

At this time we do not know of and have never ever heard of a stolen (imported) Eunos,s/Roadsters ending up in the UK, from ANY source?.( if you have a story , then lets hear it)


Aren't all Japanese MX5s left-hand drive?

No. The Japanese drive on the same side of the road as the UK, the steering wheel is on the right.


Aren't import MX5 parts hard to find?

No. Contrary to what Mazda would have you believe 99% of the parts are exactly the same as on 'English spec' Mx5s. They all rolled off the same production line in Hiroshima, Japan. The sheer quantity of imports in this country has led to a growing market of specialist importers of car parts. Meaning We never need to order parts from Japan. Ever since I imported my first Eunos/Roadster I didn't once have any problems getting parts here in the UK.
Mazda dealerships were funny about dealing with a import here at the beginning but have since seen sense and released they were losing out on our hard earned , so even if you go to a dealership i am sure they will help.

Both new and second hand, parts and a very wide selection of accessories are available from many outlets and are very easy to source, including from our sponsors Autolinmx5 and Jass performance.... even to the fact that Mazda Japan are still having 80% of the parts still made for the MK 1 because of just how they are still popular and stood the test of time.


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This post is a natural product made from recycled electrons. The slight variations in spelling and grammar enhance its individual character and beauty and in no way are to be considered flaws or defects, the articles/answers/comments are provided for information purposes and they are not intended to substitute informed professional advice, I or mazdamenders.net cannot personally be hold responsible for any damage occurred from following this procedure or any injuries from it. Proceed at your own risk.

Mk 1 Eunos 93 black V.S II 1.8 ,
Mk 2 .1/4 Roadster 99 black & gold V.S 1.8 .
Mk 1 Eunos 90 1.6 soul red ..f/ build
MK 2.1/4 Blue V.S Roadster 1.8 99 ..
MK1 1.8 ,white import.. (Ashleighs)
MK1 1.6 yellow J ltd import.f/build
MK 1 1.8 black Tokyo Ltd..f/build

http://www.mx5oc.co.uk/ http://www.mx5nutz.com/forum/ http://miata.net/ http://www.autolinkuk.co.uk/

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