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Forum Rules and Regulations

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Forum Rules and Regulations

Postby MrChrome » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:31 pm

Mazda Menders Forum Rules last updated 2nd July 2018

These rules are our rules. The forum, moderators and it's administrators use these rules to manage this Forum. We will apply these rules as we see fit. There may be circumstances were they aren't applied. In these cases we will be considering each case on an individual basis. Our decision on the interpretation and application of these rules are exactly that - OUR DECISION... These decisions are made by the entire admin team and cannot be made by individual administrators or moderators. You are entitled to appeal any decision but these appeals are made subject to the appeals process.


The Mazda Menders Forum, Forum,( Facebook group) , We, we, us, Us are the owners, administrators and/or, the moderators of the Mazda Menders Forum (Facebook group).

You, your, Your, you, member, members are the member(s) of this Forum ( Facebook group) .


Changes and amendments to these rules and regulations can be made at any time. You, as a member of this Forum, are deemed to be aware of any such changes as soon as the changes are made.

This Forum has been created and is provided for the benefit of its members. The Forum is administered and moderated by a number of MX5 and Eunos Roadster enthusiasts.

This Forum ( Facebook group) is provided free.

By joining, or registering with this Forum you are agreeing to abide by the Rules and Regulations detailed here, any additional rules detailed on any Forum ( Facbook group) categories, the relevant law(s) for your country AND the Law of England and agree to be bound by them and the following:

[b]DISCLAIMER applies to ALL of this Forum ( Facebook group )[/b]

Any work you do to your car is entirely your own responsibility. If you are in any doubt, you should check any advice given with a suitably qualified person. The Mazda Menders Forum (Facebook group) and its members accept no responsibility for any damage caused to your person, your property or any third party as a result of you following or not following any advice offered in any Forum ( Facebook) post.


Anyone can register as a member of this Forum ( Facebook group). You do not need to own, drive or be involved in Mazda MX5s /Eunos Roadsters or Miata .

There is no charge for membership.

Registering with multiple accounts is strictly forbidden.

You must register with a valid email address. This email address will be the only way that the Forum can make contact with you if the members permission is given to do so.

We reserve the right to ban anyone who wilfully and persistently violates The Forum (Facebook group) rules. Our decision is final. Appeals may be held at the sole discretion of The Forum. This process is detailed below.

While these rules will cover most common situations, they cannot anticipate everything. Consequently we may take any actions we deem appropriate to ensure The Forums is not disrupted or abused in any way.


The primary function of The Forum/Facebook group is to allow Mazda MX5/ Eunos Roadster/ Miata owners, prospective owners and anyone with an interest in these cars to freely chat about all things related to the car. The exchange of information, guidance, expert opinion and input is encouraged, but, members can and will disagree.

Remember don't be offensive or rude if you disagree, or are disagreed with. If you choose to explain your argument, that is entirely at your discretion. This explanation should be put forward in a mature manner. Please think before you write or type, read the post again just in case you have not clearly understood what the other member is trying to say.


Any post may be removed, deleted, edited or modified by The Forum and its administrators or moderators.


Every post made to the Forum is subject to moderation as required. We may delete, move or edit any post at our sole discretion.

Try to keep ALL posts on topic and in the relevant section.

Post should be made with the consideration that members of any age /sex /country/race or religion may read them AND they will be searchable on the World Wide Web.

There is no obligation on The Forum/Facebook group, its moderators or administrators to notify you if your post has been edited/deleted/moved.

If you have a grievance in respect of any of the moderation on The Forum/Facebook group please check the procedure below.


If you are cross or have something you wish to rant about please post in the Rant part of The Forum.

Multiple posts with the same content in different Forum sections is not allowed. The posts in all but the most relevant section will be removed by the moderators.


The Forum/Facebook group will NOT accept in any part of this Forum/facebook group:

- Threats, including implied threats.
- Personal insults against other Forum members, in posts, private messages or in signatures.
- Any form of bullying.
- Petty bickering; take personal arguments elsewhere.
- Trolling, baiting or flaming.
- Racist or homophobic comments.
- Blatant sexism.
- Offensive language, or attempts to beat the banned words censor by using Minced Oaths or similar.
- Any other forms of Hate Speech.
- Blatant Sexual Innuendo
- Stalking.
- Posting of ANY personal data or details of other members without their permission.
- Forum or thread bombing, e.g. posts with meaningless gibberish etc.
- False representation or impersonation.
- Altering quotes to the detriment of the original poster.
- Attempts to criticise or belittle other MX5 Community Forums. We are a diverse community, with a common love of the car. Lets keep it that way.
- Editing/deleting your posts in such a way that will disrupt the flow of a thread.
- Anything else The Forum feels from time to time is not appropriate for The Mazda Mender Forum.

The Forum/Facebook group may send warnings in relation to any of these matters. You will receive these by Private Message and they are deemed to be served on you when they are sent.

Infringement of any of these, or any other rule, may result in a temporary or permanent ban from the Forum or other access restrictions, at the discretion of the Moderators, without warning.


Bans from The Forum/Facebook group may be permanent or temporary.
The length of the ban will be determined by the Moderators and /or Administrators of The Forum/Facebook group.
There is an appeal process, specified elsewhere in these rules.


You may send a member or members a private message(s).
Private messages are that; privateĀ messages. Do not repeat them on The Forum/Facebook group, without the express permission of the writer. They hold the copyright to that message.
If you feel a PM you receive violates ANY Forum/Facebook group rules, please feel free to report it. The Forum/Facebook group will deal with the matter in a confidential manner.
The Forum/Facebook group will not tolerate threatening or aggressive Private Messages. Such behaviour will result in a ban from The Forum/Facebook group.
Inappropriate behaviour rules apply to Private Messages too.

The administrators reserve the right to view and, in extreme circumstances, discuss any PMs. We can only do this directly from the database where the Forum is stored. This is not a task that can be undertaken by any moderator and it will NOT be undertaken unless we are required to because of a complaint, official court order or a request from The Police.


Any messages sent to a forum user, about any matter, from an Administrator or a Moderator using the Private Messaging system is deemed to be delivered to that member once it has been sent. This includes messages about posts, warnings and banning.


Images are NOT stored on this Forum. The must be up-loaded elsewhere i.e. PhotoBucket.

Avatars have a restriction in size both in pixels and Kb. The Forum will give details as necessary.

Inappropriate or illegal images may not be posted or linked to. Links to such images will be removed and if necessary the appropriate authorities will be informed.

Text in signatures must not be larger than the default font size of the Forum.

Signatures at all times are at the discretion of the Moderators. If a Moderator asks you to modify your signature then please do so.

Those members involved directly in the TradeĀ should indicate that they are.



Advertising is allowed. These must be posted in the relevant For Sale section of The Forum.
Adverts for non MX5 related items IS NOT permitted.
Any advert posted in the wrong place will be REMOVED without notice.
Any images in the advert must be of the actual item. All adverts must include a price, either firm or negotiable and a location.
Members may post personal contact details (email, phone number, address) within an advert but they do so at their own risk. Please take appropriate precautions if arranging to meet.
Adverts placed by traders will be removed, unless they have received permission from the Forum to place adverts.
Trade adverts MUST clearly state that they are trade and posted in the trade section.
Wanted adverts are permitted under the same rules.
NO advert bumping.
Offers and communication should be by PM or using the contact details given in the advert.
Links to eBay auctions, buy-it-now or other adverts will be REMOVED
Sellers assume full responsibility for their listing and the goods and must ensure it is 100% accurate.
Buyers should be aware that the forum and / or it's members, administrators or moderators can not accept any responsibility for any transactions that go wrong between parties using this forum. Disputes between buyer and seller are to be discussed privately, and must not be debated on the forum. Whilst we may at our discretion attempt to help mediate disputes, we have no obligation to do so, and we have no legal standing to enforce refunds.
No matter who places the advert, it is a transaction between the owner of the goods, the seller and the purchaser, the buyer.
Caveat Emptor


Rules are the same as members sale adverts except:

Unauthorised trade advertising in posts will not be tolerated; they will be removed without warning.
Avatars and images in signatures, advertising a company are not allowed.
Repeated placement of Trade Advertisements (more than two) will result in a ban and the advertisement being removed.
Soliciting of products using The Forums PM/mailing system is also not allowed, unless information is specifically requested for by a Forum user.


After 72 hours (3 days) users cannot edit their own posts. If after that period of time you feel it is necessary to edit a post please contact a member of the Administration team


If you would like to report any inappropriate post please use the ReportĀ link at the bottom of the post and a moderator will review the post and take action as appropriate.

Any other complaints must be made directly to a Forum Administrator or Moderator.


ANY appeal in relation to membership, posting or PM will be held under the following circumstances:

The appellant will be required to meet all cost of the Appeal Hearing; those costs are set out below. All of which will be required to be paid before the appeal takes place.
The Appeal Hearing shall be held in private and the appellant may NOT be legally represented.
The Appeal Hearing members (administrators and moderators) may consider their decision for as long as they wish, however the final decision will be made by Monday afternoon.
The Appeal Hearing shall be held over a long weekend, Friday until Monday.

Costs to be met by the appellant: ALL costs in relation to the travel, subsistence and accommodation for ALL of the administrators and moderators required to attend. The hearing shall include time to drive The RingĀ for those whom wish so to do. These costs again being meet by the appellant.

Location of hearing: Hotel An der Nordschleife, Trierer Strasse 15, D-53518, Adenau/Breidscheid, Germany

Required Appeal Hearing members - All administrators and moderators of The Forum/Facebook group.

The decision of the Appeal Hearing is FINAL and no further appeal may be made.


The prevailing law relevant to The Forum/Facebook group is that of the Laws of England.

[i]Human Rights Legislation is specifically excluded.[/i]

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